Sunday, 8 July 2012

Quick Update

Rather disappointingly, as with too many of my endeavours lately, I've been neglecting this blog.

Just a few random update points though!
  1. I've been listening to the new Linkin Park album (Living Things - listen to it here) pretty much none stop since it came out. It's definitely not the most amazing album ever but I really like the sound. As I commented elsewhere, hearing it is like "coming home". It's warm and familiar and I love it :)
  2. Downloaded LOADS of new manga series which I am working my way through. I was really impressed by Change 123 ;-)
  3. Can't find a decent game to entertain myself with. I've filled time here and there with Jewels Star (Android Bejewelled rip-off) and Crystal Saga Online (browser based MMORPG).
  4. Watching LOADS of Steve Job videos, trying to inspire myself I suppose! Somehow I feel too much of the world tries to copy him/Apple though... I almost feel as if I want to say something corny like "be innoviative, not derivative" but how do you do that when innovation is they were all about?!?
  5. Can't sleep properly lately, I hate hayfever >.< Does that count as a first world problem? :P
  6. Finally... I've managed to %$#& up my toe again playing football :'( I'm still playing but I lament for my toe.
Anywho, life is good really xD