Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Football In Destiny

Above is a recording of Celark messing around on my PS4, kicking a ball around during the Destiny Beta. Silly as it may sound, it was absolutely hilarious! :D

Whilst exploring the Tower in between all the shooting, we came across a large purple ball. After playing around with it for a while we started an impromptu kick about! At 1m6s we start playing goalkeeper between the Vault posts. Another guardian cottoned onto this immediately and his sudden cautious behaviour whilst he lined up a shot was great :)

Everyone finding out how to perform "slide tackles" lead to more mayhem (2m6s). After a while we decided the ball had to be destroyed. As we knocked the ball off the edge, another guardian jumped to his doom trying to save it (2m34s) :D

After this we were all doubled over laughing our heads off. Moments like these really capture the excitement you can have with great games. This small feature has already inspired a cult following and it is just one of the many fantastic activities this playground we call Destiny is rammed full of. Simply cannot wait to play the full game in September!

Being able to share all of this fun so seamlessly is a surprisingly satisfying feature of the PS4. Although the Beta is over, you can find more of my gameplay videos on my YouTube channel: